Monday, 28 June 2010

In airport, want sleep.

Arrrg I'm sooooooo tiiiired, at least I have an uncomfortable 12 hour flight ahead of me ~_~
Here's a photo of a bagel...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Well I'm flying to Tokyo later today and I haven't even packed @_@ and I need to tidy my flat coz builders are coming round... Hmm I don't really have time to blog...

Here's a song that I found earlier That I like for some reason... The singer has a really strange voice.

Friday, 25 June 2010

iPhone post

Ok so I was going to move back to wordpress so I could use their free app but it worked once and didn't let me use it again so I decided to buy this app and stick with blogger. Anywho yeah I got the new iPhone4 yaaay! I love it so far. I had to wait in a long ass queue tho. @_@ It took 4 hours and when I got to the till the lady told me I couldn't get an iPhone if I didn't already have a contract (even tho about five other people working there had told me I could... Luckily I had O2 broadband so I was allowed to get one, I would have been so pissed. In other news I'm off to Tokyo on Monday :) and when I get back I'm gunna start going to a new language school so I can practice my Japanese speaking.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Sushi and Burrito Food of Kings.

Well today was interesting... I somehow managed to spend £53 on a haircut. (I really should have asked the price before I got it cut...) Anywho it was the first time getting any cut more exciting than short back and sides for £5. Maybe I should have just gone for that. @_@ Oh well I had the best lunch possible sushi and burrito. I love Japanese food and I LOVE Mexican food so it was an amazing combination, especially as I got to watch RoboGeisha as well. (HAHA!) RoboGeisha was a very odd film and a lot more serious than I was expecting (well story oriented anyway) but it was good all the same. Anywho here's what I wrote today on Lang-8...


...And here's RIP SLYME eating sushi in their song JOINT.

Monday, 7 June 2010


Today I started using Lang-8 and it seems fairly useful so far. I've made one entry (in Japanese) and its already been corrected by a native Japanese speaker (very fast response) and now I'm going to try and do a Japanese entry everyday. I think I'll also post my entry (uncorrected) on here, just for the hell of it, so I can (hopefully) see how my Japanese improves. So, here it is, my pathetic attempt at 日本語.

はじめまて。これ一番ジャーナルエントリです。名前ケイです。大学生ゲームデザイン勉強しす日本語テレビゲームアニメ好きです。 六月東京行きます。日本食べ物美味しいです。ご免なさい日本語悪いです。よろお願います。

To any Japanese people reading this (I very much doubt there is anyone reading this) I apologise for butchering your language hopefully I'll get better soon. Anyway Japanese youtube video time!!! As I've been playing 塊魂TRIBUTE (that's Katamari Forever in England) I will post this tribute to the game (in video form). Enjoy.

Oh shit! I forgot to take my washing out of the machine...

Sunday, 6 June 2010

日本語 is more fun than 英語

I decided to take a break from studying Japanese today (well I did study a bit but not as much as usual) to catch up with my English studying. *_* I'm currently in the middle of an online TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) grammar course, which I hadn't looked at for a while and need to finish fairly soon. I have to say I enjoy studying Japanese a lot more and if anything it makes more sense. Anyway I got a fair bit done, so that's good. Now time to sleep.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

@_@ Ok hopefully Blogger works better...

I have moved from WordPress because I was having some problems with it. Now hopefully I can blog without hiccups. Anywho Cheese...

If I was a bunny I would be a happy one.

I've just made an amazing discovery, Robo Geisha (a film I've been wanting to see for over a year) is coming out on DVD IN ENGLAND!!!! ON MONDAY!!!!!!

The film is by director Iguchi Noboru (井口昇) who also directed Machine Girl. Neither of the films are for the faint hearted (or people who like things to make sense for that matter) but I'm a sucker for things that don't make sense so they're right up my street.

Anywho here are the trailers for both films for you to enjoy (or not as the case may be).

So much for waking up early...

Well I was attempting to wake up and go to sleep early so I had more of the day to study and do other stuff. This worked for about 3 days but today I woke up at 3pm. @_@ I feel a lot less tired tho, when I was waking up early I kept having a nap and being too tired to do anything. I think I still need to work out a healthy balance.

Anyway, I'm still working my way through TextFugu and using to study 日本語 and I hoping to get to season 3 on TextFugu before I head of to 日本.

The I can attempt to use Lang-8 to talk to native 日本人 online (an idea which terrifies me, but I should really do it.) Although I have been spending quite a bit of time studying 日本語, which is good, I should really take a break to tidy up a bit.



Anywho enough of my messy room here's Hard Gay and a monkey for you viewing pleasure.

Well I'm having to post this in a dodgy HTML kinda way...

Hmm WordPress doesn't seem to wan't to load anything except HTML at the moment, on Chrome, FireFox and IE (on my PC and laptop). Anywho, I'll make do with HTML I spose.

I just wanted to moan really. I was just about to get an iPhone 3GS (for all its awesome magic powers) and then I found out they are going to announce (possibly) the iPhone 4G in a few days. @_@

I wan't one now... T_T I suppose I should at least wait until they announce when 4G is being released...

日本語 Progress, Driving licence and a new (better) attitude.

Well, my summer holiday has started (woo!) and I'm of to 東京 at the end of this month (again woo!) so I decided to get serious about my 日本語 learning. I started using TextFugu, an online Japanese text book created by a guy called Koichi. So far it seems to be pretty good and has a big focus on staying motivated (BRING IT ON! KAPOW!). I've been consistently studying everyday (OMG) and more importantly, I've been wanting to.

At crunch time last semester (only a few weeks ago) I was all like "OMG THIS IS SOO HARD AND MY LIFE IS OVER COZ I MIGHT NOT GET A FIRST IN MT DEGREE. WHY AM I SUCH A FAILURE..?" and I was really hating myself. >_< This, however, was lame. After reading something on TextFugu about attitudes towards learning, I realised I had a really bad relationship with learning and we needed to kiss and make up. I've decided to stop worrying about grades and scores and focus on learning for learnings sake. So far this attitude is working out really well, touch wood I keep it. I also passed my driving test which has probably also helped cheer me up (although I don't have a car...).

Side note: Touch Wood is and awesome name for this touch screen keitai by Docomo.

...also I started using Google Chrome, I'm not entirely convinced its any faster than Firefox but I'll stick with it for now. I'll leave you with a video of an awesome jet-pack.

Chinese Bird Eating Spider Snails

This is a short story I found on MySpace that I wrote when I was 16. @_@

The snail of war originated in the early years of 1856 around the time prince Charles gave birth to his own arm pit, little did he know that was the start of a terrible war (luckily it has nothing to do with the snails so I don't have to bother telling you that story). The war snail was created by a scientist because it's what they do, discover and create things involving science (he wasnt mad mind you i wouldn't let a mad person fiddle with science). This scientist went only by the name sir Albert Winslow (which is ironic because you can't win if your too slow) it was also a bit of a mouthful so im going to refer to him as Brian. Brian had been a fish monger for too long and had decided to work with a new kind of fish... the snail. Brian had long admired the snail for all its beauty and valour but had rarely sat down for a chat with a snail. This angered Brian to a point which required action, so he began collecting snails...
Brian had started off a craze for collecting snails within his village everyone loved collecting snails (except the out casts, like Kizi, who preferred collecting slugs or yo-yos) it was fine until the highest elders of began battling snails, puting Apple Snails up against Golden Inca Snails and English Garden Snails against Dragons. Chaos was among men and snails alike (but not women, women are far too sensible for that kind of nonsense and hulubalu). But through the torment the snails grew ever stronger until they finally decided to group together following the lead of only the wise Chinese Bird Eating Spider Snails (its kind of a snail mixed with a spider kinda thing, they eat chinese birds... they live in brussels) but never the less they surely were wise. The snails came up with a plan far too simple for our complex human brains to understand, but I suppose the jist of it was they were going to kill all the humans in their sleep while holding a press conference about the ever-changing economy in order to distract all the llamas. This plan was to take place on 14/9/2634 so I wouldn't worry you will all be dead long before that... stupid snails...

Well... Have fun with that...

Some links that may (or may not) be useful for my dissertation...

Well yup,... links yaaaay!!!

These are just a few links that relate to characters and narritive in games...

Christian Nutt: Characters, The Building Blocks of Your Reality. An article about why so few games have believable characters.

Emily Short: Character Creation, Gender and Fallout 3. A look at how the story telling and characterisation in Fallout 3 is presented and what does and doesnt work about it.

Emily Short (again): Homer In Silicon. Biweekly coumn's about story telling and narritive in games.

Andrew Vanden Bossche: What We Get Out of Choice in Video Game Design. A look at the morality choice in Infamous.

Anywho yeah maybe I'll add some more later... Here's another Japanese song I does like.

Woah ok I guess I should post something…

Well this is my first post, on my first blog. Its going to be fairly short because:

1. No one cares and

2. I haven't slept.

Anywho.. This blog is going to (hopefully) follow my Japanese learning process as well as anything else I randomly decide to put on here.

Anyway right now I'll just add a link to my favourite Japanese song because I cant really be assed to think of anything else but I should really have something In Japanese in every post.

Gotta love RADWIMPS. Anywho, peace out magical non existent people reading this.

...Oh BTW I'm Kayode (or just K)