Thursday, 19 May 2011

Back/foreground objects done (I suppose)

I have finally finished placing all the objects in the level (although I'm not 100% happy with the job, I don't have any more time). It was very hard trying to place the foreground objects to make it look like there is a reason Logan can't walk any closer to the screen without blocking the view. If I was to do this again I would make sure there were some object specifically made for that purpose. I also added the newly recorded grapevine sounds to the project. I think I would rather stick to character design and animation than placing hundreds and hundreds of objects again. #_#

Click "Read more" to view the other images.

Recording and Intro

Today, well yesterday, I helped out with recording dialogue ant uni but we ran out of time so I went to my friends house and finished of the recording there (thanks Sanj and Dan). One of the things we recorded was a replacement summery of the levels we didn't end up making. I also created some images to go with the dialogue and they have now been implemented into the game. I only managed to get time to do the ones for the intro though. The text was written by Sean.

There are the other images I created after the jump.

Old work new post

Ok, so this post is actually about work that I did before Easter but I forgot to do a post about it. I started placing the textured objects into the level. This took a very long time as I had to create prefabs for all the objects and a large number of the models had problems with the scale, pivot point, being invisible for no reason etc. so I had to go into a lot of the max files and edit and re export some of the models.  I also played around with lighting, including creating some animated fire particles, and added a fog effect to make the kitchen look darker and gloomier.

More images of how the level looked after I finished after the jump.